Make Your

Into Reality!


Pilot Training

Nurturing future aviators through comprehensive flight instruction and hands-on experience. Embark on a journey to master the skies.


Aviation Course​

Dive into the world of aviation
with our specialized courses. From theory to practice, we prepare you for a dynamic career in the skies.


Aviation Edu Consultancy

Expert guidance for your aviation education choices, helping you make informed decisions on your path to the cockpit

About Captains'
Window Aviation Solutions

Captains' window aviation solutions is one of the Pilot training institute in calicut, Kerala. Experienced and leading group of Aviation consultancy focusing on guiding people who are aspirant in aviation profession in the right manner by imparting quality training at the highest standards.

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Years Service
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Worldwide Students
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Qualified Trainers
pilot training institute students

Our Services

Our services encompass best pilot training courses that transforms dreams into wings, engaging aviation courses that lay the foundation for excellence, and expert aviation education consultancy to guide you towards a successful career in the skies.

Pilot training

Aviation Education Consultancy

Hobby and Adventure

Flight Chartering

Aviation Course​

Got any questions? Don't hesitate to get in touch.

Consulting Services

Start your own Academy

Elevate your ambitions in aviation education with our personalized consulting services, designed to help you launch your own academy.

Academic support

Unlock our comprehensive support and personalized assistance, ensuring your success in aviation education.

Faculty support

Elevate your faculty's capabilities with our dedicated support, equipping them to deliver top-tier aviation education.

Legal Registrations

Streamline legal registrations with our expert support, ensuring compliance and a smooth start for your aviation academy.


What Our Student Says!

Discover the experiences and success stories directly from our students, who have embarked on transformative journeys in aviation education with Captains'Window Aviation Solution.